News & Publications

Our latest News

32nd Annual iSMIT Congress

Augmedit is proud and excited to be invited as a speaker at the 32nd International Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT). The congress will be held as a virtual meeting.

Eurostars Grant

Augmedit B.V. and Disior Oy receive Eurostars Grant to further develop Augmented Reality tools for surgeons

We're Hiring!

Augmedit is a young, dynamic and innovative medical Augmented Reality company with the mission to turn 2D imaging into a 3D world.

Microsoft HoloLens 2

AugmedIT proudly announces the receipt of one of the first batches of Microsoft HoloLens 2 AR glasses in The Netherlands. This is a major milestone for the Dutch startup world.

Funding round closed

AugmedIT, a Dutch startup that develops Augmented Reality (AR) tools for surgeons, has closed a seed funding round with a consortium of Dutch and Swiss angel investors.

ISPOR Europe

Tristan van Doormaal presents AugmedIT’s technology at ISPOR- The Professional Society of Health Economics and Outcome Research in Denmark.

Our latest Publications

van der Woude R, Fitski M, van der Zee JM, van de Ven CP, Bökkerink GMJ, Wijnen MHWA, Meulstee JW, van Doormaal TPC, Siepel FJ, van der Steeg AFW
Clinical Application and Further Development of Augmented Reality Guidance for the Surgical Localization of Pediatric Chest Wall Tumors
J Pediatr Surg. 2024 Feb 24:S0022-3468(24)00105-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.02.023.
Mathijs de Boer, Tessa M. Kos, Tim Fick, Jesse A. M. van Doormaal, Elisa Colombo, Hugo J. Kuijf, Pierre A. J. T. Robe, Luca P. Regli, Lambertus W. Bartels & Tristan P. C. van Doormaal
NnU-Net versus mesh growing algorithm as a tool for the robust and timely segmentation of neurosurgical 3D images in contrast-enhanced T1 MRI scans
Acta Neurochir 166, 92 (2024).
Colombo, Elisa MD; Regli, Luca MD; Esposito, Giuseppe MD, PhD; Germans, Menno R. MD, PhD; Fierstra, Jorn MD, PhD; Serra, Carlo MD; Sebök, Martina MD, PhD; van Doormaal, Tristan MD, PhD
Mixed Reality for Cranial Neurosurgical Planning: A Single-Center Applicability Study With the First 107 Subsequent Holograms
Operative Neurosurgery ():10.1227/ons.0000000000001033, December 29, 2023. | DOI: 10.1227/ons.0000000000001033
T.M. Kos MSc; S. Haaksman RN; T.P.C. van Doormaal MD, PhD; E. Colombo ,MD
Effect of Intraoperative Mixed Reality Use on Non-Surgical Team Members in the Neurosurgical Operating Room: An Explorative Study
Elisa Colombo, Delal Bektas, Luca Regli, Tristan van Doormaal
Case report: Impact of mixed reality on anatomical understanding and surgical planning in a complex fourth ventricular tumor extending to the lamina quadrigemina
Front. Surg., 22 August 2023 Sec. Neurosurgery Volume 10 - 2023
T. Fick, J. W. Meulstee, M. H. Köllen, J. A. M. Van Doormaal, T. P. C. Van Doormaal, E. W. Hoving
Comparing the influence of mixed reality, a 3D viewer, and MRI on the spatial understanding of brain tumours
Front. Virtual Real., 04 August 2023 Sec. Augmented Reality Volume 4 - 2023
Elisa Colombo, Tim Fick, Giuseppe Esposito, Menno Germans, Luca Regli, Tristan van Doormaal
Segmentation techniques of brain arteriovenous malformations for 3D visualization: a systematic review
Radiol Med . 2022 Dec;127(12):1333-1341
Tim Fick, MD, Jesse A. M. van Doormaal, BSc, Lazar Tosic, MD, Renate J. van Zoest, MD, MSc, Jene W. Meulstee, MSc, PhD, Eelco W. Hoving, MD, PhD and Tristan P. C. van Doormaal, MD, PhD
Fully automatic brain tumor segmentation for 3D evaluation in augmented reality
Neurosurgical Focus 51 (2); E14, 2021
van Doormaal JAM, Fick T, Ali M, Köllen M, van der Kuijp V, van Doormaal TPC
Fully automatic adaptive meshing based segmentation of the ventricular system for augmented reality visualization and navigation.
World Neurosurg. 2021 Jul 29. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34333157
T. Fick MD, J.A.M. van Doormaal BSc , E.W. Hoving MD PhD, L. Regli MD, T.P.C. van Doormaal MD PhD.
Hologram Correction after Patient Movement for Augmented Reality Neuronavigation
2021 Acta Neurochir 163, 879–884 (2021):
Fick T, van Doormaal JAM, Hoving EW, Willems PWA, van Doormaal TPC.
Current Accuracy of Augmented Reality Neuronavigation Systems: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
World Neurosurg. 2020 Nov 13;146:179-188. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.11.029. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33197631
van Doormaal TPC, van Doormaal JAM, Mensink T
Clinical Accuracy of Holographic Navigation Using Point-Based Registration on Augmented-Reality Glasses
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Dec 1;17(6):588-593. doi: 10.1093/ons/opz094. PMID: 31081883; PMCID: PMC6995446
van Doormaal JAM, Mensink T, van Doormaal TPC
Augmented reality glasses in the operating room
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2018 Dec 5;163:D3041. Dutch. PMID: 30570949.
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